Discovering Michael
Michael James
Ratgeber / Lebensdeutung
Are you truly happy? This is the question that helped me to change my life. When I stopped to seriously consider this question, I realized that the answer was no. In fact, I began to wonder what happiness really was. Upon recognizing this void, a quiet yet persistent voice within demanded attention to this, even though I did not know what to do. Eventually, I was guided to take that hard and honest look within. The search initially was to understand why things were going wrong in my life. I was experiencing problems in my job and relationships. On the surface, others perceived me as successful, yet within I felt different, alone, unworthy, confused, and lost. Discovering Michael is an inspirational story and guide about overcoming a life of adversity and challenges. It is a personal account and reflection of learnings about the journey and the methods used for personal growth and self-discovery. It is about changing unhealthy attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors into healthier choices, supportive of greater levels of happiness, meaning and purpose.