War Girls
Adèle Geras, Matt Whyman, Sally Nicholls, et al.
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Jugendbücher ab 12 Jahre
1914: war has broken out across Europe and beyond. Nothing will ever be the same again for those caught up in the conflict.
This collection of short stories explores how the First World War changed and shaped the lives of women forever. A courageous nurse risks her life on the Front Line; a young woman uncovers a spy in wartime London; and a grief-stricken sister comes to understand the heroism and sacrifice of the forgotten Indian soldiers.
Through these and other tales, War Girls presents a moving portrait of loss and grief, and of hope overcoming terrible odds.
Cover art by Garry Walton
classic Carroll Parr Jones Stevens peril atlantic city stolen magic, Things Bright Girl Can Do Suffragette Goodnight Stories Rebel great, peaceful anne frank poppies five children western carrie hitler pink, rabbit stole safiyyah noor khan rooftoppers rundell storm rages letters, rosie raja decolonise curriculum diverse skylarks when came horse private, women world peace lily celebrate commemorate historical battle home front, lighthouse pullman firework makers daughter ks3 classroom teacher discuss balen, roberts wolf road until ends Webb Ibbotson Gray Galvin titanic, october carnegie costa nero charlotte sometimes trench narnia little alcott, anthologies ww2 morpugo last bear gold earle when sky falls