How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
Cara O'Neill
Ratgeber / Recht, Beruf, Finanzen
Want to enjoy a debt-free life? Help is here.
You don’t have to struggle with burdensome debt. By filing for Chapter 7, relief can be yours in as few as four months. How to File for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy explains the bankruptcy process in easy-to-understand language, including:
• whether you’ll qualify for a Chapter 7 discharge
• the debts that get wiped out in Chapter 7
• the property you’ll be able to keep, and
• how to retain a home or car.
Once you’re ready to file, you’ll use the step-by-step instructions to:
• complete the official bankruptcy court forms
• prepare for the meeting of creditors (the one appearance you’ll make)
• file your debtor education course certificates, and
• rebuild your credit after receiving your fresh start.
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