For Sale By Owner in California
George Devine
Save thousands of dollars -- sell your home yourself!Using a broker to sell your home can cost you up to six percent of the selling price -- in other words, if you sell your house for $400,000, you can lose up to $24,000. But you'll save that money if you sell the house yourself, and it's not hard to do!Thoroughly revised and scrupulously researched, For Sale by Owner in California takes you step by step through the entire selling process, from putting the house on the market to transferring the title. Even if you choose to use an agent, this book is a great way to prepare yourself for the home-selling process. Find out how to:pick the best time to sellprepare your house for saleadvertise widely and inexpensivelysell while you're buying another houseset the sale pricescreen buyers for financial feasibilitymake all disclosures required by lawnegotiate with potential buyershandle multiple offersremove contingenciescomplete the escrow processThe 10th edition of For Sale by Owner in California reflects the most recent changes in the housing market and laws, and now includes beefed-up sections on disclosure obligations, making a house look good and using the Internet to advertise a sale. It also provides all the forms you need, including:disclosure formsoffer and counteroffersales contractcontingency releasesdeedssecond mortgage noteand moreAll forms come with complete instructions for filling them out. A note to those outside California: Even though For Sale By Owner in California provides state-specific forms and information for Californians, there's plenty of material in the book that can help home sellers in the other 49 states as well. Don't sell your home without it!The CD-ROM that accompanies the printed version of this book includes forms or other tools; in this eBook, you'll find all those documents in the appendix or at the back of the book.