Britain's Freshwater Fishes
Mark Everard
Ratgeber / Angeln, Jagd
Britain hosts a diversity of freshwater environments, from torrential hill streams and lowland rivers to lakes and reservoirs, ponds and canals, and ditches and estuaries. Britain's Freshwater Fishes covers more than 50 species of freshwater and brackish fish found in these waters. This beautifully illustrated guide features in-the-hand and in-the-water photographs throughout, and accessible and informative overviews of topics such as fish biology and life cycles. Detailed species accounts describe key identification features, with information on status, size and weight, habitat, ecology, and conservation. The book also includes a glossary and suggestions for further reading.
This easy-to-use field guide will be invaluable to anyone interested in Britain's freshwater fish life, from naturalists and academics to students and anglers.
- Covers all of Britain's freshwater fishes
- Features beautiful photos throughout
- Includes detailed information on more than 50 species, the places they inhabit, and their roles in Britain's ecosystems
- Attractively designed and easy to use
Crucian carp, Silver bream, European seabass, Dace, Freshwater whitefish, Centrarchidae, Fish fry, Predatory fish, Mullet (fish), Rainbow trout, Ruffe, Common bream, Estuary, Burbot, Fishery, Brook lamprey, Marine biology, Grass carp, Freshwater fish, Salmonidae, Gudgeon (fish), Lamprey, Barbel (fish), Availability, Leuciscus, Water quality, Fish anatomy, Lateral line, Gill raker, Lotidae, Filter feeder, Brackish water, Smelt (fish), Goldfish, Atlantic salmon, Spined loach, Juvenile fish, Vegetation, Larva, Cobitidae, Dorsal fin, Invertebrate, Mussel, Pelagic zone, Pumpkinseed, Jaw, Habitats Directive, Thought, Black bullhead, Leptocephalus, Spawn (biology), Koi, Fresh water, Cyprinidae, Swim bladder, Sardine, Selective breeding, Sea lamprey, Wels catfish, Minnow, Angling, Common carp, Ecology, Shoaling and schooling, Brown trout, River, European eel, Critically endangered, Fish, Floodplain