The Undivine Comedy
Teodolinda Barolini
Belletristik / Essays, Feuilleton, Literaturkritik, Interviews
Accepting Dante's prophetic truth claims on their own terms, Teodolinda Barolini proposes a "detheologized" reading as a global new approach to the Divine Comedy. Not aimed at excising theological concerns from Dante, this approach instead attempts to break out of the hermeneutic guidelines that Dante structured into his poem and that have resulted in theologized readings whose outcomes have been overdetermined by the poet. By detheologizing, the reader can emerge from this poet's hall of mirrors and discover the narrative techniques that enabled Dante to forge a true fiction. Foregrounding the formal exigencies that Dante masked as ideology, Barolini moves from the problems of beginning to those of closure, focusing always on the narrative journey. Her investigation--which treats such topics as the visionary and the poet, the One and the many, narrative and time--reveals some of the transgressive paths trodden by a master of mimesis, some of the ways in which Dante's poetic adventuring is indeed, according to his own lights, Ulyssean.
Geryon, Self-transcendence, The Various, Sarcasm, Harvard University Press, Premise, Terza rima, The Cantos, Shirt, Inference, Household, Religion, Tercet, Baptistery, Ideology, Possible world, Humility, Incarnation, Russians, Cult of personality, La Vita Nuova, Convivio, De vulgari eloquentia, Poetry, Double consciousness, Bourgeois Government, African Americans, Gratitude, World view, Puta (mythology), Basic structure doctrine, Hierarchical organization, The Outer Limits (1995 TV series), Truth claim (photography), Same-sex relationship, Relapse, The Other Hand, Nickname, Vanni Fucci, Emblem, Oppression, Complicity (novel), Author, Lombards, Geology, Headache, New Thought, Catania, Engraving, Queen of heaven (antiquity), Purgatorio, Sex organ, The Voyage of Life, Understanding, Fill the Void, Divine Comedy, Andrea da Firenze, Epistle, Mineo, Belacqua, Vento (motorcycle manufacturer), Rhyme, Reinhold Niebuhr, Virgil, Ark of the Covenant, Writing, Narrative, Metaphorical language, Scriba (ancient Rome), Opuntia