The Use of Algae in Human Health
Joël Fleurence
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / ÷kologie
The Use of Algae in Human Health explores the use of algae in traditional Asian medicine, for both preventive and curative purposes. The book looks at both historical and current uses, as algae is still used on an empirical basis in popular medicine in Asia.
The first part of this book focuses on the integration of algae into the therapeutic practice of ethnomedicine. The second part focuses on molecules derived from algae, which include fucoidans, alginates, carrageenans and polyphenols; they have been described in the scientific literature as having therapeutic activities both in vitro and in vivo.
These varied functions (antitumoral, antiviral, antibacterial, antithrombotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant) are of major interest in human health. However, new drugs based on algal molecules are proving slow to develop. The book reviews the scientific, technological and economic obstacles that may explain why development is lagging.
ecology, algae, aquatics, ethnomedicine, polyphenols, fucoidans, alginates, agriculture, carrageenans, health