Beyond Training
Cheryl Polson (Hrsg.), Jeffrey Zacharakis (Hrsg.)
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Erwachsenenbildung
Widen your view of adult education by learning how it is appliedby the nation's largest adult education provider: themilitary. Woven through this issue is the common thread of sound adulteducation practice. Addressing applications specific to themilitary but relevant to civilian providers, it highlight theimportance of developing the critical thinking and problem-solvingskills essential for military leaders in an increasingly complexworld. Chapters also address the intersection of higher educationand particular military populations, including civilian employees,active-duty personnel, veterans, and spouses. Finally, thesourcebook provides a glimpse into the future of both militaryeducation and adult education, highlighting the increasing bondbetween the two and their growing importance in the lifelongeducation of all Americans. This is 136th volume of the Jossey-Bass quarterlyreport series New Directions for Adult and ContinuingEducation. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issuesof common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, andpolicymakers in a broad range of settings, such as collegesand universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, andmuseums.
Education, Adult & Continuing Education, Erwachsenenbildung, Weiterbildung, Bildungswesen