School Counseling and School Social Work Homework Planner
Sarah Edison Knapp
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Psychologie
Features assignments and exercises to meet the changing needsof school counselors and school social workers The School Counseling and School Social Work HomeworkPlanner, Second Edition provides you with an array ofready-to-use, between-session assignments designed to fit virtuallyevery therapeutic mode. This easy-to-use sourcebook features: * 75 ready-to-copy exercises covering the most common issuesencountered in school settings, such as study and organizationalskill deficits and academic motivation/underachievement, as well as"outside" issues such as blended families, divorce, substanceabuse, teen pregnancy, and parenting skill deficits * A quick-reference format--the interactive assignments aregrouped by presenting problems including learning difficulties,disruptive classroom behavior, self-esteem building, bullying, andschool violence * Expert guidance on how and when to make the most efficient useof the exercises * Assignments cross-referenced to The School Counseling andSchool Social Work Treatment Planner, Second Edition--soyou can quickly identify the right exercise for a given situationor problem * A CD-ROM that contains all the exercises in a word-processingformat--allowing you to customize them to suit you and yourclients' unique styles and needs Additional resources in the Practice Planners®series: * Treatment Planners cover all the necessary elements fordeveloping formal treatment plans, including detailed problemdefinitions, long-term goals, short-term objectives, therapeuticinterventions, and DSM(TM) diagnoses. * Documentation Sourcebooks provide the forms and recordsthat mental health professionals need to efficiently run theirpractice. For more information on our PracticePlanners®products, including our full line of Treatment Planners,visit us on the web at:
Psychologie, K-12 / Schulpsychologie u. Beratung, Sozialpolitik u. Wohlfahrt, Sozialarbeit, Psychotherapy & Counseling, Psychotherapie u. Beratung, Education, Schulpsychologie, Psychologische Beratung, School Psychology & Counseling (K-12), Bildungswesen, Social Work, Psychology, Social Policy & Welfare