Why Talking Is Not Enough
Susan Page
Ratgeber / Partnerschaft, Sexualität
Why Talking Is Not Enough, written by Susan Page, author of the acclaimed bestseller If I'm So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? presents a novel relationship strategy based on subtle, powerful changes in your own actions. This method shows you the magic of "Keep your mouth out of it!" Page's pioneering eight-step program invites you to give up problem solving and move directly to a warmer, more loving and fun relationship, based on universal spiritual principles. In this book you will learn how to transform your relationship into a Spiritual Partnership by adopting these Eight Loving Actions: * Adopt a Spirit of Good Will * Give Up Problem Solving * Act as If * Practice Restraint * Balance Giving and Taking * Act on Your Own * Practice Acceptance * Practice Compassion
Self-Help, Relationships, Ratgeber, Ratgeber Beziehungen