ca. 12,90

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Belletristik / Gegenwartsliteratur (ab 1945)


Dale Heinzman's book 'An Agriculturist's Well Lived Life: Influenced by The Transcendental Power ofFlowers' is a perfect treat for someone who is craving to read an autobiographical novel and a heartfeltlove story. It is a novel that delves into the personal memories of Dale. Dale spent countless hoursresearching his ancestral roots, family records, old bibles, photographs, and letters. This book is anaccurate reflection of Dale's life experiences. He shares his memories with readers in first-personparagraphs, using italics to add depth and emotion to the narrative. This technique allows readers to feelas though they are experiencing Dale's life events firsthand, making it a truly engaging and memorableread.Dale Heinzman, after his 74th birthday, asked himself what could he do to gain a better understanding ofhis life's purpose. Writing his life story was his answer to this existential question. Dale's memoir spansseven generations of his family history, showing how his ancestors' hard work and courage influenced hislife. He gained a deeper understanding of his purpose and how his experiences and values aligned with hisancestral heritage by writing his life story. As he reflected on his life, he discovered that his devotion tofamily, diverse career in agriculture, and appreciation for the transformative power of flowers were allpart of his life's purpose.Dale's wife played an important role in shaping the narratives of the book 'An Agriculturist's Well LivedLife: Influenced by The Transcendental Power of Flowers.' With her support, Dale worked tirelessly foralmost four years, immersing himself in his family's history and weaving his own experiences into thestory's fabric.Dale's book, 'An Agriculturist's Well Lived Life: Influenced by The Transcendental Power of Flowers,' isnotable for its novelistic approach. Chapter one of the book, which begins in 2024, establishes an impetusfor the development of the entire book. He sets the stage by sharing his fictitious terminal cancerdiagnosis, which adds a sense of urgency to his storytelling. Dale's book features countless novelisticaspects that set it apart from other autobiographical novels.

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