Leading the Rebound
Dominique Smith, John Hattie, Nancy Frey, et al.
Geisteswissenschaften, Kunst, Musik / Pädagogik
Let’s make the "next normal" a "better normal"
If there ever was a time for our heroic school leadership to persevere, it’s now. Because now, well over one year since the pandemic stretched the resilience and reserves of our school systems, it’s time to "rebound." It’s time to leverage this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reboot teaching and learning as we know it so that we magnify the effective practices from the past while leveraging the so many recent lessons learned.
This is where Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, Dominique Smith, and John Hattie, coauthors of
The Distance Learning Playbook series, are ideally equipped to serve as your collaborators.
Leading the Rebound: 20+ Must-Dos to Restart Teaching and Learning you’ll find immediate actions, mindsets, and approaches to take if we’re to reimagine and improve our schools and school systems. Step by step, you’ll discover explicit guidance on how to:
1. Take care of yourself
2. Take stock and find the path
3. Rebuild teacher agency
4. Rebuild collective teacher efficacy
5. Foreground social and emotional learning
6. Change the learning loss narrative
7. Guide teacher clarity
8. Ensure instructional excellence
9. Use assessments for a range of purposes
10. Design and implement interventions
11. Win back parent-teacher relationships
12. Establish restorative practices
13. Avoid stealing the conflict
14. Enhance teacher-student and student-student interactions
15. Develop early warning systems for attendance, behavior, and course completion
16. Confront cognitive challenges to learning
17. Ensure equitable and restorative grading
18. Enhance PLCs
19. Provide empathetic feedback
20. Host honest performance conversations
21. Maintain your social presence
22. Future-proof teachers and students
What’s more
Leading the Rebound is backed up with all kinds of resources--including VISIBLE LEARNING® research, sample planning tools, and other essential tips and strategies--to provide you with a start-to-finish roadmap for navigating this absolutely critical next leg in our journey toward a "better normal."
post-pandemic education, learning recovery, opening schools, teacher clarity, social emotional learning, CARES funding, Leadership, learning loss, teacher agency, accelerated learning, CRRSA funding, professional learning, school leaders