Anisotropy of Metamaterials
Radoslaw Kycia, Natalia Rylko, Tatjana Gric, et al.
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Physik, Astronomie
Anisotropy of Metamaterials: Beyond Conventional Paradigms provides a comprehensive introduction to the mathematical modeling of metamaterials based on the macroscopic complex-valued permittivity tensor of dispersed random composites. Key topics include physical and mathematical theory, computer simulations, constructive homogenization, classification of dispersed random composites and their applications in cancer recognition. Image processing and machine learning algorithms are used. The book also discusses the precision of various effective medium approximations, including Bruggeman and Maxwell-Garnett formulas. New analytical, approximate and exact formulas and bounds for the macroscopic permittivity and piezoelectric constants of composites are derived. This book is a valuable tool for academics and professionals in photonics, presenting sustainable materials for sensing, health diagnostics and cancer detection methodologies.Key features: Offers key insights into the current trends and techniques in the study of the macroscopic properties of metamaterials, aiming at stimulating new avenues of research Presents examples of image analysis, the primary tool for non-destructive metamaterials analysis Discusses the applications of Machine Learning to image processing, illustrated using specific code in Python programming language