The Ice Racer
Richard Cozicar
Belletristik / Science Fiction, Fantasy
The 23rd century. The third planet from the sun is now a revolving, uninhabitable sphere of ice, void of sunlight. Volcanic ash clouds the skies and the air, toxic.
A small, isolated cluster of earth’s surviving population labours in caves deep beneath the expanding ice cap. Ice Racer, Mike Ryan, is among the brave few who dare venture to the frozen surface in search of supplies to sustain the city’s struggling inhabitants.
In a vast cavern, stories below the surface, exists the City of Adams Mountain, and a civilization long thought extinct. Stranded and alone, a chance discovery reveals a paradise unlike anything Ryan could have imagined.
The prophets ruling Adams Mountain are intent on keeping their shiny city and its existence hidden from the outside world. For Mike Ryan, the newly discovered paradise holds dire consequences for unsolicited visitors.
A rebellious young woman, a free thinker among a society of followers, aids the young hero on his quest to escape the clutches of the prophets and return to the ice caves of his home.
Traversing the sub-Arctic temperatures and unrelenting storms sweeping the dead planet may mean certain death. Will the journey home, past rivers of molten lava and through a forgotten civilization ruled by tyrants prove even deadlier?
futuristic, Young Adult, 23rd century. unlikely hero, dystopian, 1st person, action thriller