尖尖的心愿 Jianjian's Wish
Danielle Taylor-Burr, Qi Wang, Yuet-wan Lo, et al.
Ming Yi Translation and Publication
Kinder- und Jugendbücher / Kinderbücher bis 11 Jahre
“A grey mouse called Jianjian came to the meadow to play. He saw a rainbow bridge in the sky and wished to go there to play but he just could not fly. A strong gust of wind brought an injured white crane into the meadow. Jianjian helped White Crane to recover. To return his kindness, she took him to the rainbow bridge to play. Jianjian found that there were many different kinds of fruits and vegetables in the rainbow bridge and he loved their tastes very much, and he felt very excited! Unfortunately, after they had come back to the meadow, White Crane had to leave Jianjian. Jianjian felt very sad but wished that White Crane would come back some day later to see him again.” This picture book is the second one of our Animal Stories Series. It is written in simplified Chinese with Mandarin Pinyin on the top of the Chinese and its English translation below. There are also some revision activities, vocabulary tables (with English Translations) and a table of Chinese Pinyin Basic Sounds and Four Tones to help children learn Chinese.
“灰老鼠尖尖爬到山坡的棉花树上玩。他看到天上有一座彩虹桥﹐便很想到那里去﹐可是他不能飞。草原上突然吹来一阵狂风﹐一只受伤了的白鹤给吹落到草 原上﹐尖尖帮助白鹤复原﹐白鹤报答他的恩情﹐便带他到彩虹桥去﹐尖尖发现 在彩虹桥里装满了很多不同的水果和蔬菜﹐他很喜爱它们的味道﹐也感到十分 兴奋。可惜﹐当他们回到草原后﹐白鹤便要离开尖尖。尖尖虽感难过﹐但却希望白鹤日后会再回来见他。” 本书以简体中文书写﹐中文上面注有普通话拼音﹐下面印有英文翻译。书中也 印有“生字表”(附英文翻译)、动脑筋活动和汉语拼音基本音素和四声表以帮 助儿童学习中文。
Mandarin Pinyin, crane, simplified Chinese, vegetables, English translations, animal stories, mouse, fruit, colours, nature