Learning From Divorce
Robert LaCrosse, Christie Coates
Ratgeber / Partnerschaft, Sexualität
Learning from Divorce, by Christine A. Coates and E. RobertLaCrosse, is a practical book that will help you rid yourself ofnegative feelings of guilt and worry and replace them with positivefeelings of growth and hope. Learning from Divorce will showyou how to confront your fears and flaws, motivate you to moveforward toward change, develop realistic hopes about succeedingwith future relationships, and turn your failures into victories! In this groundbreaking book the authors explain that divorce canbe viewed as a developmental process, a period of transformationand growth. They help the reader understand why the divorcehappened in the first place-- how unrealistic expectations ofa permanent honeymoon or a partner who would satisfy theirinfantile needs and solve all their childhood problems have sooften led to immature and self-centered behavior. In place of thisattitude, Learning from Divorce provides the reader with amore realistic view of marriage as a long-term commitment requiringloyalty, compromise, devotion, perseverance, and selflessness. Thisbook shows that the rewards of love and family exceed most anyother joy or aspiration in one's life and will help you.
Self-Help, Ratgeber Beziehungen, Ratgeber, Relationships