You Paid How Much For That?!
Scott M. Stanley, William C. Bailey, Natalie H. Jenkins, et al.
Ratgeber / Lebenshilfe, Alltag
Money is the number one problem area for couples because money isn't simply about dollars and cents. If you scratch the surface of almost any money issue, you'll find a relationship issue complicating if not actually driving the problem. That's why You Paid How Much For That? not only sound reveals principles of money management but also provides you with practical tools to uncover and understand the deeper, often hidden meanings of money and conquer the problems it raises in your relationship. You Paid How Much For That? can help you to * Learn how a Saver and Spender can live together-happily! * Gain a healthy respect for what money can-and can't-do for you. * Understand how your upbringing, culture, and gender influence how you and your partner approach relationships and money differently. * Find out how to solve problems together in ways that promote teamwork. * Discover practical ways to get what you both want most. * Capture a vision for a prosperous and loving future together.
"So often we aren't even aware of what money means to us--much less to our partner. This book guides you through the maze and--imagine this--actually shows you how to use money to increase love and intimacy! It will help you to have not only better financial future, but also a better marriage and a better life. Buy this book, it's worth its weight in gold."
--Diane Sollee, director, Coalition for Marriage, Family and Couples Education and
Finance & Investments, Personal Finance, Ratgeber, Private Finanzplanung, Self-Help Special Topics, Spezialthemen Ratgeber, Finanz- u. Anlagewesen, Self-Help