Old-Time Country Wisdom and Lore for Garden and Trail
Jerry Mack Johnson
Ratgeber / Hobby, Haus
Achieve your goal of a self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle with instruction on a range of basic garden and trail techniques inspired by old time country living.
Achieve your goal of a self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle with instruction on a range of basic garden and trail techniques inspired by old time country living, no matter where you live. As big box stores and foreign-made, disposable goods take over commerce, the drive to get back to the origins of what we consume and how we sustain ourselves is becoming ever more compelling. Whether you are a country dweller or an urbanite, or somewhere in between, you can respond by learning to garden more simply, use what you have, and be more sustainable.
With content from and expanding on the classic Jerry Mack Johnson book Old-Time Country Wisdom and Lore, this is a guide to living a sustainable lifestyle, lowering your carbon footprint, and finding the appreciation in the know-how to do for yourself or go without. Make your garden an adventure where you invest yourself and learn to live with purpose using country wisdom and know-how as your guide. With thousands of recipes, projects, and instructions, Old-Time Country Wisdom and Lore for Garden and Trail includes practical information on:
Water collection
Pest control
Land management
Attracting Pollinators
Resilient planting
4-Season Gardening
And so much more
Basic, thorough, and reliable, this book deserves a place in urban and rural homes alike.
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