A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes
Charles Elme Francatelli
Ratgeber / Allgemeine Kochbücher, Grundkochbücher
First published in 1852, Charles Elmé Francatelli's A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes features 241 recipes suitable for small budgets. From the simple art of boiling potatoes to the more advanced Pumpkin Porridge, each recipe is described in detail by Francatelli to ensure a delicious dish every mealtime. With recipes ranging from Sheep's Head Broth to A Pudding made of Small Birds, Francatelli ably instructs even the most impoverished homemaker on how to prepare meals on a small budget. Accompanied by contemporary advertisements, this collection intends that 'your families may be well fed, and your homes made comfortable' with handy hints for meals and cures for common ailments.
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