Lori Wick Short Stories, Christmas Special
Lori Wick
Harvest House Publishers, Inc.
Bestselling author Lori Wicks novels have warmed the hearts of millions of fans! Now for the first time ever, Loris short stories are released to her ebook readers in this new Lori Wick Short Stories collection, with a personal note from Lori after each story.Lori Wicks Christmas Special features two uplifting holiday stories. In Christmas for Two, Stan and Ellen face their first Christmas as empty-nesters. They must decide whether to spend it with their daughter or to fulfill Ellens lifelong wish to celebrate in Disneyland. In The Christmas Gift, Brenda has been in foster care with the Hartmans just long enough for the entire family to adore her. Will Brendas first Christmas in a real home show her Gods love, and will the familys surprise gift to Brenda fulfill all her hopes?BONUS! Several chapters fromThe Hawk and the Jewel, the first book in Lori Wicks famous Kensington Chronicles, are included.