Outlaw Makes It Home
Eli Jaxon-Bear
An Outlaw Makes It Home: The Awakening of a Spiritual RevolutionaryCan drugs, sex and revolution lead to lasting fulfillment and love? This memoir by Eli Jaxon-Bear, framed as a teaching story, using Joseph Campbell's model of the hero journey, answers this question in an exciting, funny and deeply personal memoir.From being attacked by possemen on a civil rights march in Alabama to becoming a federal fugitive in a cabin in Colorado, Jaxon-Bear's life then leads us to the uncharted Andes, a Zen Monastery in Japan and a Sufi initiation in Morocco. We are taken on a roller coaster adventure of discovery in the search for freedom and finally finding true love and fullfilment. We see the tests and challenges that confront all of us as we navigate through life in the search for happiness.Peter Coyote wrote, An Outlaw Makes It Home, bares it all. An often laugh-out-loud, but always playing-for-keeps quest for spiritual wisdom and enlightenment, it unfolds in rapid fire short bursts of improbable adventure, with a startling turn in the heartwarming discovery after an eighteen year search. Jaxon-Bear does not spare himself or try to polish his flaws and mistakes: in that regard, he is a warrior. I consumed this book in huge gulps and would do it again. I urge others to read it.