Improve your sight-reading! Violin Grade 4
Paul Harris
Sachbuch / Musik, Film, Theater
This is the full eBook edition of Improve your sight-reading! Violin Grade 4 in fixed-layout format. Improve your sight-reading! Violin Grade 4 is part of the best-selling series by Paul Harris, guaranteed to improve your sight-reading! This workbook helps the player overcome problems by building up a complete picture of each piece, through rhythmic and melodic exercises related to specific technical issues, then by studying prepared pieces with associated questions, and finally by 'going solo' with a series of meticulously graded sight-reading pieces. This edition now includes supporting audio available online for students to check their performances against. The Improve your sight-reading! series will help you improve your reading ability, and with numerous practice tests included, will ensure sight-reading success in graded exams.
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