Local Area Network Management, Design and Security
Arne Mikalsen, Per Borgesen
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Datenkommunikation, Netzwerke
How to use LANs to help your company grow A vital component of today's business, Local Area Networks (LANs)allow organizations to link their computers together for maximumwork sharing, collaboration among geographically disparate teams,and other essential business functions. This book helps systemadministrators and IT professionals set up LANs and Intranets in away that will contribute to their company's growth and success.Beginning with the theoretical foundation for LAN operation anddesign, it covers the applicable data communications principles,then goes on to explore both LAN hardware and infrastructuredesign, network operating systems, LAN management and security. Thebook also gives a practical introduction to the world's mostpopular network operating systems--Windows 2000, Novell NetWare,and Linux. Finally, the book takes an in-depth look at business andmanagement issues, with special emphasis given to the impact ofIntranets on business goals.
Communication Technology - Networks, Elektrotechnik u. Elektronik, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Lokales Netz, Computer Science, Informatik, Networking, Netzwerke, Kommunikationsnetze