Excel Formulas and Functions For Dummies
Peter G. Aitken, Ken Bluttman
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Anwendungs-Software
Put the power of Excel formulas and functions to work foryou! Excel is a complex program. Mastering the use of formulas andfunctions lets you use Excel to compute useful day-to-dayinformation, such as calculating the true cost of credit cardpurchases or comparing 15-year and 30-year mortgage costs. This funand friendly book demystifies Excel's built-in functions so you canput them to work. You'll find step-by-step instructions on 150 of Excel's mostuseful functions, how they work within formulas, and how to usethem to make your life easier. * See how to use 150 of Excel's most useful functions, withreal-world examples showing how each function is used within aformula * Learn to calculate the costs of leasing versus buying a car,compute classroom grades, create an amortization table, or evaluateinvestment performance * Fully updated for Excel 2010, but the principles will work withearlier versions of Excel as well * Includes essential coverage of an additional 85 functions In the ever-popular, non-threatening For Dummies style, ExcelFormulas and Functions For Dummies, 2nd Edition makes Excel'spower accessible to you.
Computer-Ratgeber, Microsoft Excel, Excel, End-User Computing