Oncology Nursing Practice
Janice Gabriel
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Pflege
The complexities of cancer care management are clearly explainedand illustrated by the use of case histories at the end of eachsite-specific chapter. The book also addresses the controversiesand problems surrounding health education programmes and screening. The book is divided into five main sections. Section oneprovides the reader with a definition of cancer and looks at theepidemiology and predisposing factors linked to specific cancers.The second section discusses the main treament options. This isfollowed by a section looking at the more common site-specificcancers. Each chapter in this section addresses the issues ofcancer prevention, early detection, investigations and management.The fourth section discusses problems which could be encountered bycertain groups of patients, e.g. management of fungating wounds,nutritional support, altered body image and sexuality problems. Thebook concludes with a section looking at how complementarytherapies are being integrated into the main framework of cancercare, the importance of the spiritual/cultural aspects of cancerfor an individual and the complex subject of breaking bad news.
Nursing, Pflege, Krankenpflege