Palliative Cancer Care in Acute Nursing
George Hogg, Paul Christie
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Pflege
Many cancer patients are seen in outpatient clinics, generalmedical wards and general and specialist surgical wards as well asoncology units. There patients can have varied palliative careneeds and it is the responsibility of those nursing them to beaware of these needs and how to respond to them. This informativeand practical text starts with the premise that care delivery witha palliative approach is a core skill that every healthprofessional, in whatever setting, should possess if dealing withpatients who have an incurable disease. The palliative approach has as the main priority the promotionof physical, psychological and spiritual well-being of the patientand their family. By focusing on quality of life, best possiblesymptom control and quality death in a holistic manner, the nursingmanagement of patients is enhanced.
Krankenpflege, Pflege, Nursing