Software Solutions for Rapid Prototyping
Ian Gibson (Hrsg.)
Naturwissenschaften, Medizin, Informatik, Technik / Maschinenbau, Fertigungstechnik
Software Solutions for Rapid Prototyping goes to the heartof RP. It is the software programming that drives the modelling,execution, and creation of the actual models linking to the CADpackages. Advances and refinements in software and its integrationto RPsystems are providing new and innovative solutions to RP problems.Written by a team of experts this book will help extend theusefulness of the technology. Rapid Prototyping is a technology that is now common use inindustry. Some companies outsource this work to specialistsuppliers and consultants. Others have brought the technologyin-house. There is, therefore, interest in this field from bothacademics and industry, but much of the development isstill done by researchers in academic settings - funded byindustry. * RP database systems * Heterogeneous solid modelling for RP * Decision support systems * Reverse engineering and RP * Virtual reality support for RP Those involved in RP technologies in industry and inacademia will find this book invaluble in the development of theirwork. Manufacturing industries, product designers, softwaredevelopers for design, manufacturing, and RP, all need to knowabout the scope and opportunities that software solutions canoffer them.
Produktion i. d. Industriellen Verfahrenstechnik, Maschinenbau - Entwurf, Informatik, Maschinenbau, Mechanical Engineering, Industrielle Verfahrenstechnik, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering - Design, Industrial Engineering / Manufacturing