Fearless Women of the Bible
Lynn Cowell
How to Live in Bold ConfidenceHave you ever needed confidence in a specific circumstance and couldn't think of an example of anyone who had ';been there, overcome that'?Author and speaker Lynn Cowell took every form of insecurity we experience as women and asked God to reveal how we should respond. The result is this in-depth, six-week Bible study spanning obscure and recognizable women in Scripture who demonstrate unshakable confidence no matter their circumstances.This six-week study will help you to:Stand with resolve when your confidence faces adversityWomen of ExodusStep out in your own defense when your confidence is challenged The Daughters of ZRemain faithful when your confidence in God is elusiveRahabFocus on what is true when your confidence in relationships is questioned Abigail & MichalTrust when your confidence is in doubtMartha & MaryIncludes biblical and historical background insights, practical application, and a memory verse for each chapter. This study may be completed individually or with a small group.