Tired But Wired
Nerina Ramlakhan
Ratgeber / Fitness, Aerobic, Bodybuilding, Gymnastik
'An authority on sleep and stress' Mail on Sunday
Not sleeping well and waking up tired? Can't sleep at all? This guide will help you understand and overcome sleep problems to have the energy you need for the life you want.
Tired But Wired offers Dr Nerina Ramlakhan's proven Sleep Toolkit, which has helped thousands of people - from burnt-out executives to mothers struggling with the demands of a job and children - to get better sleep. Hectic lives and modern living directly impact our ability to sleep well but, overturning the myth that you need eight solid hours every night, Dr Ramlakhan says that you really need fewer hours of quality restorative sleep, and shows you how to get it.
With practical steps towards changing your lifestyle to find better quality sleep, more vitality and an inner equilibrium that is physically and emotionally revitalising, Tired But Wired explains the science behind sleep and how to find your natural sleep rhythms. Providing the Sleep Toolkit Programme that anyone can use, adjusting it for your own lifestyle, needs and personality, it delivers the essential habits and routines you need for brilliant sleep.
How modern life, stress and anxiety stop us from having a perfect night'
What stops people getting a good night'
Worried that you don't get the fabled eight hours? That's your first mistake, says Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, who thinks it's quality, rather than quantity, that counts. She shares her tips for a better night'
A good night'
How did you sleep last night? With a few simple strategies, you can finally feel refreshed
insomnia, guy meadows, nick littlehales, revenge procrastination bedtime, restless legs syndrome, life time by russell foster, sleep hygiene, nightmares, sleep apnea, fast asleep michael mosley, matthew walker