Fountain in France
Marita van der Vyver
Penguin Random House South Africa
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<p>More than a decade ago Marita van der Vyver emigrated to France<br>where she married a Frenchman and settled in the scenic countryside<br>of Provence. Having become famous for a novel built on fairy tales,<br>her life resembles that of a princess meeting her Prince Charming.<br>Several bestsellers, much living and loving, and years later, they<br>move to another French village called Place of Frogs.<br>A Fountain in France is a book of stories about moving the way the<br>French do it. It is also about place, what binds the heart to a home<br>and its people, about breaking ties to grow new ones and about what<br>we take with us when we move on. For Marita, life is an effervescent<br>fountain, always bubbling up new surprises.<br>This book will be enjoyed by anyone who has lived or travelled in a<br>foreign country, or wished they had. It touches on universal<br>experiences shared by expatriates all over the world. Whether you<br>are based in Provence or Perth, Bath or Beijing, you quickly learn that<br>a good sense of humour might be the most important qualification if<br>you want to survive being the eternal outsider.</p>