The Book of Talismans, Amulets and Zodiacal Gems
William Thomas, Kate Pavitt
Ratgeber / Astrologie, Kosmos
This is the study of the symbolic meaning of precious stones and how they have been used as magical objects in various eras, whether in essence or as a vehicle for symbolic carvings. This book covers the history of gems from the prehistoric times, through the meaning of valuable talismans of China, Tibet, India, Japan… the sacred gem stones of Judaism, Egypt, Rome, Gnosticism and Christianity. This work also includes the history of many important, often "cursed" gems, and practical advice on buying gems. For anyone interested in the symbolic meaning of precious stones, this is a good reference book and a fascinating reading.
gem buying guide, mystical gems guide, spiritual stones Christianity, ancient jewelry rituals, magical gem history, talismanic traditions Asia, historical stone carvings, zodiacal gems symbolism, precious stone metaphysics, cursed gemstones lore